Oh no! It seems that Tactility crashed!
Please consider mailing the crash log.
This page displays the crash information that is passed on from the URL.
It receives the application version, the chip architecture (e.g. ESP32, ESP32S3, etc.) and the callstack. The application callstack is a small part of the application state right before it crashed. It helps the developers to find out where exactly the crash happens.
This is intended for developers and advanced users. Make sure you're using the matching Tactility.elf because otherwise you get incorrect data.
When you open this page, your crash information remains on your computer. The developers don't gather the information unless you click the share button and share it with them via email.
The email contains:
The callstack information is the state of the application right when it crashed. It only tells the developer what code was being executed. This often shows which app was running, but it won't contain any user data from the application or the operating system.